西九州大学・西九州大学短期大学部へ留学For International Students

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令和6年度永原学園西九州大学短期大学部留学生向け奨学金支給式 The scholarship awarding ceremony for international students at Nagahara Gakuen Nishikyushu University Junior College for the 2024 academic year.

 今年度はfrog_thanks初めてJASSO 2024年度留学生受入れ促進プログラム奨学金を本学の地域生活支援学科多文化コース2年のMYAT NOE PWINTさん(ミャンマー出身)が授与しました。また、永原学園佐賀県外国人留学生奨学金給付事業補助金は、地域生活支援学科多文化コース2年生から3名(WIN PA PA SOEさん、AYE PYAE PYAE THANTさん、KHAINGZAR LEESHWEさん/全てミャンマー出身)、多文化コース1年生から1名(CHAN MYAETHUさん/ミャンマー出身)、食健康コース1年生から1名(THIN ZAR OOさん/ミャンマー出身)、および介護コース1年生から1名(LEESHEUNG WAIさん/英国出身)の合計6名を授与しましたpachipachi
 福元理事長をはじめとする関係者からは、奨学金の意義や留学生への期待、激励の言葉が贈られました。続いて、多文化2年生のMYAT NOE PWINTさんが奨学生を代表し、奨学金を受けることで学業だけでなく日本の文化や社会を学び、自国との交流を深める意欲を示し、感謝の気持ちを伝わり、お礼をしましたthanks

 On September 18, 2024, the scholarship awarding ceremony for international students was held at Nagahara Gakuen Nishikyushu University Junior College.hanabi
 This yearfrog_thanks for the first time, the JASSO 2024 International Student Acceptance Promotion Program scholarship was awarded to MYAT NOE PWINT, a second-year student from Myanmar in the Multicultural Course of the Department of Regional Life Support. Additionally, the Nagahara Gakuen Saga Prefecture Foreign Student Scholarship Program awarded scholarships to six students: three second-year students from the Multicultural Course (WIN PA PA SOE, AYE PYAE PYAE THANT, and KHAINGZAR LEESHWE, all from Myanmar), one first-year student from the Multicultural Course (CHAN MYAETHU from Myanmar), one first-year student from the Food and Health Course (THIN ZAR OO from Myanmar), and one first-year student from the Nursing Course (LEESHEUNG WAI from the UK).pachipachi
 Chairman Fukumoto and other officials expressed the significance of the scholarships, their expectations for international students, and offered words of encouragement. Following this, MYAT NOE PWINT, representing the scholarship recipients, conveyed her gratitude, emphasizing her eagerness to not only focus on her studies but also to learn about Japanese culture and society, and to deepen exchanges with her home country.thanks
 Congratulations to all the scholarship recipients on this achievement.flower_redheart Being selected for this scholarship reflects your hard work and excellent performance. We hope this scholarship will support your growth and that the experiences gained while studying in Japan will benefit your future careers, as well as contribute to fostering friendly relations between Japan, Saga, and your home countriesfrog


