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2024年度第2回日本留学フェアin香港についてのご報告                      Report on the 2nd Japan Study Abroad Fair in Hong Kong for 2024

 令和6年8月4日(日)留学生受け入れ促進事業で提携する香港HKのSHIN Japanese language center が主催する日本留学フェアに4度目のオンライン参加を行いましたpachipachi
 On August 4, 2024 (Sunday), we participated for the fourth time in the online Japan Study Abroad Fair organized by SHIN Japanese Language Center in Hong Kong(HK)with whom we have a partnership for promoting international student acceptance.pachipachi 

 This time, the event was honored by the presence of Ambassador Okadarabit from the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong. Over 660 local students and parents interested in studying in Japan attended, and our booth was a great success throughout the day.hanabi We look forward to the opportunity to welcome more students from Hong Kong as a result of this event. 

 今回もイベントの準備段階からご協力頂きましたSHIN Japanese language center のERIC先生とVICTOR先生には、心より感謝を申し上げますと共にthanks引き続き本学の国際交流事業にご理解とご支援の程よろしくお願いいたしますpanda_thanks
 We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Eric and Mr. Victor from SHIN Japanese Language Center for their cooperation in the preparation stages of the event. We appreciatethanks their continued support and understanding of our international exchange activitiespanda_thanks.