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本学とグローバルカンパニー株式会社との提携によるリハビリテーション分野の人材育成について話し合いが行われました The discussion was held regarding the development of human resources in the field of rehabilitation through the partnership between our university and Global Company Inc.


 On Friday, July 19, President Zhang and her delegation from Global Company Inc., a Chinese company partnering with us in the international student acceptance promotion project, visited our university. The primary purpose of this visit was to discuss the acceptance plan for Chinese students wishing to study in the Rehabilitation Department next year. Director Fukumoto, Dean Koura of the Rehabilitation Faculty, Department Head Kubo, and Chief Komatsu of the Occupational Therapy Major attended the meeting.

 After the meeting, the delegation toured our Saga campus, where they showed great interest in the library and the efforts of the Early Childhood Education Department in preparing exhibits for the open campus. They also experienced lunch in the student cafeteria. President Zhang complimented the food, noting that despite its affordable price, it was very delicious, and She was confident that the Chinese students would enjoy it as well.

 President Zhang, we sincerely thank you for taking the time to visit us from afar despite your busy schedule. We look forward to your continued support and cooperation and eagerly await the admission of the new students.


