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本学留学生の第40回鹿島ガタリンピック参加について The participation of international students from our university in the 40th Koshigaya Gatari Olympics





ガタリンピック活動の参考URL 鹿島ガタリンピック | イベント (gatalympic.com)


 The Gatari Olympics is an event held annually in Kashima City, Saga Prefecture, during early summer. This year, on June 2nd, the 40th edition was held under the theme "Gata, Saikou!" Various competitions utilizing the tidal flats of the Ariake Sea, adjacent to Kashima Road Station, take place during the event.

 For the first time, seven international students from our university participated, thanks to an invitation from the organizing committee.On the eve of the Gatari Olympics, the students stayed at Japanese homes, experiencing Japan's traditional culture while feeling the charm of Saga. They greatly enjoyed this valuable opportunity.

 We received strong feedback from the students expressing their desire to participate again next year! (laughs)




 西九州大学短期大学部地域生活支援学科多文化コース1年 MINTHU HAN さん    

 I recently had the privilege of participating in the 40th Kashima Gatalympics and an accommodation experience exchange event at Hizen Hamajuku. This event attracts participants from across the globe to engage in various mud-based competitions, including mud sumo wrestling, foot races, and tug of war.

 Among the numerous activities, I decided to participate in the Mud Sumo (Tosukoi) event. In this contest, competitors face off in a designated mud arena, attempting to push each other out of the circle. The experience was both challenging and exhilarating.Before the match, participants were briefed on the rules and safety measures. We were provided with special attire to ensure safety and ease of movement in the mud.

 During the match, the sensation of the cool, wet mud underfoot was initially unusual but soon became part of the fun. My opponent and I grappled and struggled to maintain our footing, while the crowd’s enthusiastic cheers added to the excitement, pushing us to give our best effort.

  Although I didn't win my match, the experience was immensely enjoyable. The spirit of camaraderie and friendly competition was palpable, and everyone, regardless of the outcome, was celebrated for their participation. Well, I managed to become the inaugural champion of losing at Mud Sumo! I guess my mud-sumo skills are more slip-'n-slide than sumo-sized!

 <Activities and Experiences>
 One of the highlights was the opportunity to interact with the locals. Through shared meals and conversations, I learned about the community's history and daily life, gaining a deeper appreciation for their culture. 




 西九州大学短期大学部地域生活支援学科多文化コース1年  DAUTHI LANさん








