[Report] Commencement Ceremony for Exchange Students for the Second Semester of Reiwa 5th Year (2023)
On September 19th, in the fifth year of the Reiwa era (2023), we held a commencement ceremony for exchange students who are starting their studies for the second semester of this academic year. This time, we have welcomed one new student from China and two from South Korea. Words of welcome and encouragement were given by President Fukumoto and other related faculty members.
The participating students appeared nervous but made an effort to introduce themselves in Japanese and spoke about their enthusiasm for their upcoming studies. All faculty and staff will be cheering them on in the hopes that they can achieve the goals they have set for themselves!
레이와 5년 9월 19일(화)에 올해도 하기에서 교환학생을 위한 개학식을 개최하였습니다.
이번에는 중국에서 1명, 한국에서 2명의 새로운 교환학생을 맞이하게 되었고, 푸쿠모토 학장님을 비롯하여 관련 교수님들로부터 환영과 격려의 말씀을 받았습니다.
참가한 학생들은 긴장한 모습이었지만, 열심히 일본어로 자기 소개를 하고 각자의 유학 계획과 의욕을 나누었습니다.
각자가 세운 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 교직원 모두가 응원하겠습니다!