Graduate School
Features of graduate school

Applying various education methods for people
working in diverse fields
The future welfare-oriented society will demand a higher level of expertise, not only for those who have just completed their college education and are beginning to work, but also for those already working.
Therefore, we offer classes for nutritionists, registered dietitians, social workers, psychiatric social workers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, teachers and various other occupations that they can attend as they continue to work. Some of the classes are offered at night under a special provision stipulated in Article 14 of the Standards for Establishment of Graduate Schools designed to allow students to complete their master’s degree in two years.
Screening method for the graduate school
The graduate school opens its doors to individuals wishing to delve deeper into fields of expertise required to upgrade their support skills provided to local people and those wishing to further practice and research from diverse perspectives. The graduate school actively accepts individuals fulfilling the requirements listed below:
Health and Nutrition Sciences (Master's Course)
<Policy for the Organization of Curricula for Graduate Degrees>
The Health and Nutrition Science Course shall nurture students to become highly specialized technicians able to assist lives using practical nutrition skills using Health and Nutrition Science as a basis. This course is structured so that students will use their basic knowledge of nutrition as a base, aiming to be able to give individual nutritional care from analyzed data, as well as being able to understand specialized fields from various types of jobs and being able to carry out comprehensive nutritional care.
- (1)By studying Life Assistance Science Special Theory with students from different graduate courses, students will obtain the ability to see Life Assistance Science from a comprehensive stance.
- (2)In order to obtain a deeper knowledge of undergraduate studies, courses will be established covering a wide range of basic and specialized fields.
- (3)On a parallel to the above courses, students will chose a research topic, gain knowledge about research methods as well as being guided by academic staff to plan, carry out and write a graduation thesis.
- (4)This course is established so that students will be a part of the entire educational process by becoming teaching assistants and assisting with course material development and teaching methods.
Social Welfare and Community Management Science (Master's Course)
<Policy for the Organization of Curricula for Graduate Degrees>
- (1)Courses shall be established to study the basics of life supporting sciences through lectures on the principles and systems of social welfare sciences, research methods and related disciplines.
- (2)Courses shall be established to analyze, examine and investigate life supporting sciences by taking lectures on social welfare policy, practical social work, various fields of practice and related disciplines, and to enhance practical skills necessary for social welfare professions from an extensive practical perspective.
- (3)Courses shall be established to acquire research skills for life supporting sciences based on social welfare sciences with the aim of producing a thesis for the master’s degree.
Rehabilitation Science (Master's Course)
<Policy for the Organization of Curricula for Graduate Degrees>
The Rehabilitation Sciences Course shall establish appropriate courses to enable students to learn the necessary knowledge, techniques and research capabilities in order to contribute practically to the participation of people with disabilities in society and to the support of regional lifestyles.
- (1)Courses needed to contribute practically to the participation in society and to the support of regional lifestyles of people with various disabilities who have difficulty in continuing their life in the region or at home shall be established.
- (2)Courses shall be established to study the basics of rehabilitation research and recent trends in the disciplines of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and related fields.
- (3)Courses shall be established for rehabilitation support across the three areas of physical function disability, cognitive and mental function disability, and lifestyle function disability and research shall be conducted in each region based on these three areas.
Clinical Psychology (Master's Course)
<Policy for the Organization of Curricula for Graduate Degrees>
The Clinical Psychology Course shall organize its curriculum into four fields, namely “General Education”, “Basic Disciplines”, “Developmental Disciplines” and “Research Practical Training”. These four fields shall serve to educate students in advanced knowledge and practice for the purpose of cultivating a strong ethical view and a rich understanding and support of human beings as well as the ability to conduct research in clinical practice and to work as “professionals who advise and support matters of the mind”. The Clinical Psychology Course has been certified as a Type 1 Designated Graduate School by the Japanese Certification Board for Clinical Psychologists and the Course has established both core and elective curricula required for the Clinical Psychologist qualifying exam within the “Basic Fields” and the “Development Fields”.
Children's Studies (Master's Course)
<Policy for the Organization of Curricula for Graduate Degrees>
The Children's Studies Course shall organize its curriculum to do research on the expertise and techniques that contribute to the enhancement of the quality of early childhood and education based on the scientific beliefs and understandings regarding children while pursuing the way to support child development and to cultivate the ability to put this knowledge into practice.
Social Welfare and Community Management Science (Doctoral Course)
<Policy for the Organization of Curricula for Graduate Degrees>
We are on the verge of facing hyper aging society with a decrease in population. The main objective of this course is to develop the sophisticated expertise and social technique needed for tackling the urgent social issue of "regional revitalization", and cultivate researchers with the ability to apply into practice through multiplex, stratified and multilayered approach in the area of social welfare and community management science.